Porn site leaks over a million users’ private info

The great thing about the internet is that no one has to know you have a serious thing for hentai pornography. Unless, that is, the porn site you have an account on leaks your personal information. 

Over a million account holders faced that unexpected reality this week after security researchers announced a data breach affecting the site. According to the team at vpnMentor, an exposed database allowed would-be blackmailers or extortionists the ability to surreptitiously gather Luscious account holders’ personal details. 

Specifically, the data available included usernames, email addresses, activity logs, and location data for all 1.195 million users.

“Our team was able to access this database because it was completely unsecured and unencrypted,” writes the vpnMentor team. 

Importantly, vpnMentor is not saying the data was stolen by a malicious actor — just that it was wide open for the taking. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t stolen, however. 

If Luscious users happened to use email addresses associated with their real names to register accounts, that information — tied to location data — could be more than enough to associate specific Luscious accounts with their owners. 

But wait, it gets worse. The team at vpnMentor notes that they were able to access users’ video uploads to the site — possibly enabling them to tie users’ real names to uploaded pornographic images. 

“The impact of this data breach on users could be devastating, personally and financially,” reads the blog post announcing the breach. “Activity on adult sites like Luscious is the most private in nature, and nobody ever expects it to be revealed.”  

The breach was discovered on…

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