A multidisciplinary research team led by the Archaeometry research group of the University of Tübingen and the GEA research group...
Archaeologists analyzed thirteenth century BC bronze and flint arrowheads from the Tollense Valley, north-east Germany, uncovering the earliest evidence for...
Archaeologists have analyzed textiles from the ancient city of Huacas de Moche, Peru, showing how the population’s cultural traditions survived...
Speech consists of a continuous stream of acoustic signals, yet humans can segment words from each other with astonishing precision...
Archaeological fieldwork in Morocco has discovered the earliest previously unknown farming society from a poorly understood period of northwest African...
When given the choice, people prefer to collaborate on work projects with higher-paid colleagues, but they want to hire subordinates...
Homicide is a leading cause of death among people 19 and younger in the United States, and firearms are used...
As anyone who’s spent time in the saddle knows, riding a horse can be hard on your body. But can...
As income inequality widens, debates around redistribution policies are heating up. New research from the Universities of Zurich, Lille and...
Conservative voters have slightly larger amygdalas than progressive voters—by about the size of a sesame seed. In a replication study...
A team of researchers from the University of Cape Town (South Africa) and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology...
A new way of looking at tooth enamel could give scientists a path to deeper understanding of the health of...