As energy from the sun reaches Earth, some solar radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere, leading to chemical reactions like...
By probing chemical processes observed in the Earth’s hot mantle, Cornell scientists have started developing a library of basalt-based spectral...
A Southwest Research Institute-led team combined compositional data of primitive bodies like Kuiper Belt objects, asteroids and comets with new...
On 12 November 2014, after a 10-year journey through the solar system and over 500 million kilometers from home, Rosetta’s...
Like the Earth, the sun likely has swirling polar vortices, according to new research led by the U.S. National Science...
Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to...
In the 1997 movie “Contact,” adapted from Carl Sagan’s 1985 novel, the lead character scientist Ellie Arroway (played by actor...
Our solar system dwells in a low-density environment called the Local Hot Bubble (LHB), filled by a tenuous, million-degree hot...
by Anne J. Manning, Harvard Gazette Evidence suggests Mars could very well have been teeming with life billions of years...
Newborn stars are surrounded by disks of gas and dust within which planets are born, known as protoplanetary disks. In...
A team led by researchers at MIT has discovered that a distant interstellar cloud contains an abundance of pyrene, a...
Since its launch in late 2021, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has raised the possibility that we could detect signs...