This $39 Python training will prepare you for a future in AI

Artificial intelligence is slowly making its way into every industry, such as transportation and healthcare. Those with the ability to sift through volumes of data to identify insights are best equipped to succeed in an AI-driven job market. If you’re interested in a career in AI, then you need to add Python to your skillset.

Python is an extremely popular programming language, and it happens to be one of the easiest to learn, especially with The Ultimate Python & Artificial Intelligence Certification Bundle. These expert-taught online courses are normally $199 apiece, but ZDNet readers can grab the set for 97% off, dropping the price to $39.99.

The Ultimate Python & Artificial Intelligence Certification Bundle features nine courses that will get you from beginner to advanced in Python so that you can start applying it to AI. These top-rated courses are provided by industry professionals with years of experience in their fields. For example, Minerva Singh, a Ph.D. graduate has an instructor rating of 4.3, specializes in spatial data analysis tools. Similarly, Yassin Marco, an online educator who has taught over 380 thousand students has earned an instructor rating of 4.1.

If you’re new to Python and AI in general, we recommend you take Yassin’s introductory course, Python for Beginners: Learn All the Basics of Python, first. This course will teach you how to use Python functions and formulas and eventually how to build small apps. If you already have Python experience, you should take one of Minerva’s advanced courses, like Master PyTorch for Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) & Deep Learning. This training will teach you how to use PyTorch to build neural networks and sift through mountains of data. 

AI is the technology of the future, so learning Python, the language of AI, will set you up for success. The Ultimate Python & Artificial Intelligence Certification Bundle is on sale today for just $39.99, or 97% off.

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