Walmart PS5 restock update: it’s gone, but Sony Direct has it in stock

Update for Wednesday: The Sony Direct restock is gone for Wednesday, and a day ago, the Walmart PS5 restock updated Tuesday with disappointing news: “This item is out of stock.” Your next hope will at one of the following US stores:

We’re particularly looking at Sony Direct, given its steady release of PS5 inventory, requirement of a paid PSN account (limiting bots), touting of December 17 as the last day it’ll ship in time for Christmas. There has to be one last restock between now and Thursday.

Editor’s note: I did get confirmation that our PS5 restock tracker helped out at least buyer who has been trying relentlessly: my sister. Here’s proof – a Walmart PS5 order confirmation – for those who doubt anyone would make it to checkout. It took a lot of refreshing and luck, apparently, but my nephews are getting a PS5 for Christmas (or a few days into the New Year). In other words: keep trying, folks.

(Image Future)

Update 1: Walmart is restocking PS5 about every ten minutes. We’re now seeing: “This item [PS5] will be back at 3:40 pm ET” and before it sold out again, we saw a similar message for 3:30pm, 3:20pm, etc. There’s still hope.

Both the PS5 disc version Walmart and PS5 Digital Edition are on sale right now and everyone is trying to buy one. We’re seeing messages like “Add to Cart” (good),  “This item is momentarily out of stock” (okay) and “This item was not added to your cart. This item has just gone out of stock”. (bad). It keeps changing. In other words, keep checking now that the Best Buy PS5 restock has run dry.

Walmart is making it a point saying “Available online only” and “while supplies last.” So don’t go to physical Walmart stores hoping for the system, and expect a lot of people to be vying for a few PS5 consoles online at $499 and $399.

Tips to get a PS5 at Walmart: go through the links above early (before the Walmart PS5 page crashes) and sign into your account. Ensure your credit card information and shipping address are updated. This will make final checkout faster.  

This scheduled Walmart PS5 restock may be one of the last times to get a PS5 before the end of the year. Walmart now days this particular PS5 inventory will ship after Christmas, whereas Sony’s own Sony Direct store does say that December 17 is the very last day to order through its website for delivery before Christmas. So you’re running out of time.

It never hurts to check out other American retailers that may have the PS5 in stock. We’ve been surprised b Target and GameStop with random PlayStation 5 restock, so it’s a good idea to cover all of your bases.

We’ll also note that we haven’t seen the Sony Direct store (listed above) launch any new consoles on December 15 (and none yesterday), so its next PS5 restock could happen any time today. We could see three US retailers have it in stock in a single 24 hour period, which has been unheard of since Sony’s November 12, 2020 launch.

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