Physicists model how amorphous solids lose their stability

Physicists model how amorphous solids lose their stability

Why do avalanches start to slide? And what happens inside the “pile of snow?” If you ask yourself these questions, you are very close to a physical problem. This phenomenon not only occurs on mountain peaks and in snow masses, where it is rather uncontrolled—it is also studied in the laboratory at the microscopic level in materials with a disordered particle structure, for example in glasses, granular materials or foams.

Particles can “slide” in a similar way to avalanches, causing the structure to lose its stability and become deformable, even independently of a change in temperature. But what happens inside such a shaky structure?

Physicist Matthias Fuchs from the University of Konstanz and his colleagues Florian Vogel and Philipp Baumgärtel are researching these disordered solids. Two years ago, they solved an old puzzle about glass vibrations by revisiting a forgotten theory. “Now we have continued the project to answer the question of when an ‘irregular house of cards collapses.’ We want to find out when an amorphous solid loses its stability and starts to slide like a pile of sand,” says Fuchs.

Based on the “Euclidean random matrix” (ERM) models, the researchers uncovered the rules behind this loss of stability and developed a theory to describe—and predict—the process. The observed effects are relevant for producing materials with improved properties, especially for granular systems and foams.

Like a box full of building blocks

Imagine the inside of a solid, i.e., its molecular particle structure, as a box full of building blocks. The blocks may be stacked neatly in rows, supporting each other. That is what ordered solids look like. Or the blocks are carelessly thrown into the box, wildly mixed up and with gaps in between—but still wedged into each other, which gives them a certain stability. This is the case in disordered solids.

If you shake the box, the neatly stacked building blocks will not move all that much. The blocks are “firmly in place,” stabilize each other and return to their original position after minor vibrations. The messy box, on the other hand, is a different story. It is a jumble of building blocks, with empty spaces between them. This gives the individual blocks more scope to adopt a different position.

With enough shaking, more and more of the supporting pillars destabilize until at some point the whole stack of building blocks collapses. The question is: At what threshold does this happen—and what exactly happens inside the box?

A look inside the box

Of course, it is not building blocks the Konstanz physicists are interested in. They want to answer the question of when disordered solids lose their molecular stability. To investigate the phenomenon, Fuchs and his team do not shake the symbolic “box” from the outside, but generate vibrations inside the particle system. They also ensure that there is no gravity that could destroy the unstable structure, and they check the spatial expansion of “stiff areas.”

What happens to the molecular structure when more and more of the stabilizing connections break? At what threshold value does the transition from stability to “sliding” occur? How large are the clusters of loose particles that are not attached to a solid structure? What rules can be derived from this?

“Our analyses show that the stability of the system is lost at a point where vibrations at a low frequency close to zero occur. That is where the speed of sound disappears,” explains Vogel, first author of the article published in Physical Review X. “The material structure is now malleable: When force is applied, the particles no longer return elastically to their original position, but start to slide. In this loose state, the particles move in clusters of increasing size.”

Incidentally, temperature changes play no role in this process. So this project is not about heating a solid until it reaches a liquid state of aggregation. The loss of stability occurs at a constant temperature and is caused by a weakening of the stabilizing connections.

The theory and simulations of the Konstanz research teams apply to, for example, molecular solids at a temperature close to absolute zero of -273°C or bulk materials such as sand or soil, where thermal fluctuations are negligible.

The project will continue in outer space: The experiment GraSCha (Granular Sound Characterization) will test the theory on the International Space Station (ISS) under zero-gravity conditions in the fall of 2025; it is set up by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne.

More information:
Florian Vogel et al, Self-Consistent Current Response Theory of Unjamming and Vibrational Modes in Low-Temperature Amorphous Solids, Physical Review X (2025). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.15.011030

Provided by
University of Konstanz

Physicists model how amorphous solids lose their stability (2025, February 17)

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