Elon Musk welcomes Space Force with 2 words on Twitter: ‘Starfleet begins’

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk welcomed the newly-launched Space Force on Twitter Friday night, saying only “Starfleet begins.”
His two word tweet at the Space Force Twitter account, which made reference to “Star Trek,” came shortly after President Donald Trump singed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2020, launching Space Force.
Space Force is the first new military service launched in more than 70 years.
Musk has previously issued support for the creation of Space Force.
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SpaceX CEO Elon Musk welcomed the launching of Space Force, the newest US military service, with a “Star Trek”-themed tweet: “Starfleet begins.

On Friday, President Donald Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) a $$738 billion bipartisan defense spending bill.

Part of the NDAA authorizes the Space Force as a military service under the Department of the Air Force. It is the first military service introduced since the US Air Force spun off from the US Army in 1947. Trump first floated a Space Force initiative in March 2018 speech. (A similar bipartisan proposal for a Space Corps was introduced in the House in 2017 was cut from a previous NDAA.)

Musk (whose SpaceX has contracts with NASA and has worked with the US Air Force) has shown support for Space Force. In 2018, he told Recode’s Kara Swisher that “Space Force is a sensible thing to do.”

“Well, this may be a little controversial, but I actually like the idea,” he said in the interview. “I think it’s cool. You know, like, when the Air Force was formed, there was a lot of like pooh-poohing, and like, ‘Oh, how silly to have an Air Force!’ You know, because…

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