This Disinfectant Can Keep Surfaces Coronavirus-Free for Months

Protective Coating

Scientists in Hong Kong developed a protective anti-viral coating that they say can kill viruses like the coronaviruses for up to three months straight.

The disinfectant, dubbed MAP-1, wasn’t a response to the coronavirus. Rather, Reuters reports that Hong Kong University of Science and Technology researchers have been working on it for the last ten years. But all the same, the team expects it to offer “significant” protection against SARS-CoV-2, along with other bacteria and viruses, when it hits Hong Kong shelves in May.

Coming Soon

After successful clinical tests, MAP-1 will be commercially available in Hong Kong starting in May, Reuters reports. It’s already been used to coat low-income housing in the city in an attempt to stave off future coronavirus infections.

“I feel like it has strengthened our protection against the virus,” Law Ha-yu, who lives in an apartment that received a MAP-1 coating, told Reuters.

Business Class

Unfortunately, MAP-1 is expensive — likely too much so for people to buy it for their homes. But it could be a useful tool for schools, hospitals, and businesses trying to prevent infections.

Down the road, though, Reuters reports that a more consumer-friendly product will also become available.

READ MORE: HK scientists say new antiviral coating can protect surfaces for 90 days [Reuters]

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