Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to...
A new paper entitled “Evolutionary Paths of Active Galactic Nuclei and Their Host Galaxies,” published on August 17, 2023, in...
The nearby radio galaxy M87, located 55 million light-years from the Earth and harboring a black hole 6.5 billion times...
A newly discovered nearby supernova whose star ejected up to a full solar mass of material in the year prior...
Like rivers feeding oceans, streams of gas nourish galaxies throughout the cosmos. But these streams, which make up a part...
Every so often, astronomers glimpse an intense flash of radio waves from space—a flash that lasts only instants but puts...
Though a doomed star exploded some 20,000 years ago, its tattered remnants continue racing into space at breakneck speeds—and NASA’s...
Much like humans, galaxies are shaped by the environment in which they form. While no two are exactly alike, they...
An international consortium of astronomers, including staff from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, has successfully unraveled the intricate formation...
Thanks to the latest Gaia satellite catalog from the European Space Agency (ESA), an international team led by astronomers from...
Using snapshots taken over 20 years with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have learned important new details about an eruption...
Astronomers have found a striking link between the amount of dust surrounding a supermassive black hole and the strength of...