Form follows function, and this is especially true for life’s building blocks—proteins. The folds and shape of molecular proteins reveal...
Machine-generated text has been fooling humans for the last four years. Since the release of GPT-2 in 2019, large language...
Last year marked Earth’s warmest year on record. A new study finds that some of 2023’s record warmth, nearly 20%,...
Following the Mediterranean diet versus the traditional Western diet might make you feel like you’re under less stress, according to...
A research team led by Jackson Laboratory (JAX) Associate Professor Vivek Kumar, Ph.D., has developed a non-intrusive method to accurately...
Researchers at Yokohama National University have developed a stretchy, high-precision measurement wearable device that combines soft polymer materials and rigid...
A new cross-disciplinary study by Washington University in St. Louis researchers has uncovered an unexpected psychological phenomenon at the intersection...
Using data collected from a 2022 magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Luding County in China’s Sichuan Province, researchers have tested whether...
Modern commercial aircraft flying at high altitudes create longer-lived planet-warming contrails than older aircraft, a new study has found. The...
What lies deep beneath ocean surfaces is often a mystery. In Australia, many underwater habitats have not been mapped, and...
Warming global climate is changing the vegetation structure of forests in the far north. It’s a trend that will continue...
Atoms are complex quantum systems consisting of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons. When multiple atoms come...