Imagine using artificial intelligence to compare two seemingly unrelated creations—biological tissue and Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 9.” At first glance, a...
All animals, large or small, have to move at an incredible precision to interact with the world. Understanding how the...
In the race to develop robust perception systems for robots, one persistent challenge has been operating in bad weather and...
A robot, trained for the first time by watching videos of seasoned surgeons, executed the same surgical procedures as skillfully...
“Killer electrons” that travel at nearly light speed inside Earth’s Van Allen belts—the zone that surrounds the planet and traps...
Two of the trickiest qualities to balance in the world of machine learning are fairness and accuracy. Algorithms optimized for...
Robots are supposed to do boring or unpleasant jobs for us. However, tedious tasks such as cleaning the bathroom are...
Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science developed an AI-powered system that mimics the human...
Energy storage is an essential part of many rapidly growing sustainable technologies, including electric cars and renewable energy generation. Although...
A study published in JAMA reveals text message reminders for patients who delay refilling their medications didn’t help improve how...
Antibiotic resistance is a growing public health problem around the world. When bacteria like E. coli no longer respond to...
Optical tactile sensors are gaining significant attention as next-generation biometric recognition technologies. Capable of analyzing dynamic forces from a single...