In 2021, a team led by MIT physicists reported creating a new ultrathin ferroelectric material, or one where positive and...
Imagine a spaceship driven not by engines, but by compressing the spacetime in front of it. That’s the realm of...
It sounds fantastical, but it’s a reality for the scientists who work at the world’s largest particle collider. In an...
Experiments at European XFEL generate states of matter that are close to what occurs in the interior of planets or...
An important part of physics research is examining why theoretical calculations and experimental results sometimes don’t match. A recent experiment...
Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have created the first-ever atomic movies showing how atoms...
Despite its immense success in describing the fundamental building blocks of matter and their interactions, the Standard Model of particle...
During the hot summer of 2020, confined to his Pasadena home during the COVID-19 pandemic, National Medal of Science-winning applied...
Traditional electronics use semiconductors to transmit data through bursts of charged carriers (electrons or holes) to convey messages in “1s”...
If you make a material thinner and thinner, at a certain point it undergoes a seemingly miraculous transformation: A two-dimensional...
Working together, the University of Innsbruck and the spin-off AQT have integrated a quantum computer into a high-performance computing (HPC)...
Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) are credited in the discovery of 16 of...