Learn the principles of Python and Django for only $29.99

There may never be a better time to try switching to a new career. And if you’ve been hoping to break into the tech industry, learning Python could be your way in. After all, if Google considers it critically important, you know it will be useful. Lucky for you, The Learn Python & Django Developer Bundle is currently being offered at a 98% discount off the $1,600 MSRP, so you can get the training you need for only $29.99.

This bundle consists of just 8 courses that you can take at your own pace, in the convenience of your own home. So you don’t have to take any time off from your present job, nor do you have to pay an arm and a leg for the training. There are 31 hours of teaching that cover Python, Django, Data Structure, Git, GitHub, and more.

You can go from beginner to advanced in just the “Complete Python Masterclass: Learn Python Programming by Building Projects” course. There’s also “Django Masterclass: Complete Web Development with Python”, which you can follow up with “Python Programming Advanced: Understanding Weird Concepts” to learn all about the latest updates or “Data Structures & Algorithms: The Complete Masterclass” to practice using Python to analyze and implement them.

The “Python GUI Programming” class will teach you how to build a desktop cryptocurrency portfolio app using Python 3, SQLite3, TKinter, and CoinMarketCap API. While you will learn how to build a web scraping bot with Beautiful Soup and more in the “Python Automation Project” course. There is more about automation in “Python Project: Automate Instagram Post Design”.

You also get “Complete Git & GitHub for Beginners: Practical Bootcamp”. This is a hands-on guide that includes Git commands, a cheat sheet, collaboration, and much more.

The courses in this bundle have been very highly rated by former students who purchased them. This is thanks in large part to the excellent instructors like Shubham Sarda, a software developer whose “Python Automation Project” class has been rated 4.8 out of 5 stars.

Don’t miss this opportunity to change your life by training for a new web development career in tech. Get The Learn Python & Django Developer Bundle today, while the regular $1,600 price is being discounted by 98% and you can buy it for only $29.99.

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