Damselfish have been discovered to disrupt “cleaning services” vital to the health of reefs, and climate change may mean this...
Prey has been discovered inside the stomach of a tyrannosaur skeleton for the first time, scientists said Friday, revealing that...
Compared to other mammals, human children are dependent on their caregivers for a remarkably long time. Throughout the ages, they...
Scientists have run the first proof of concept of their DNA ‘time machine’ to shed light on a century of...
Just like ChatGPT and other generative language models train on human texts to create grammatically correct sentences, a new modeling...
In September, researchers from California and Denmark were awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their development of “click” chemistry,...
Argentine paleontologists have announced the discovery of an apex-predator dinosaur that measured three stories from nose to tail and eviscerated...
Jackdaws use a “democratic” process to decide when to leave their roosts en masse, new research shows. In winter, jackdaws...
Forest managers cut down trees, but their ultimate goal is to keep forests healthy and growing. Bats might help with...
In a rugged stretch of desert in one of the nation’s most remote national parks, a volunteer’s eyes were caught...
Michigan State University researchers—along with colleagues at the University of Florida, citizen scientists and their “truffle dogs”—have discovered two new...
A genome-editing strategy developed at Rice University can correct dozens of errors at the same time with high precision and...