Plants have long been known to release chemicals to respond to stress and relay information to their neighbors. A team...
Researchers have discovered a 380-million-year-old heart—the oldest ever found—alongside a separate fossilized stomach, intestine and liver in an ancient jawed...
Researchers have described a new species of armored reptile that lived near the time of the first appearance of dinosaurs....
Examining the relationship between the rate of wound healing, the circadian rhythm and cilium length
Nearly every organism on Earth follows a natural circadian rhythm that is coded by your cell’s clock genes, which do...
A cell stores all of its genetic material in its nucleus, in the form of chromosomes, but that’s not all...
Malaria kills over 600,000 people a year, and as the climate warms, the potential range of the disease is growing....
Re-establishing plantings of trees, grasses and other vegetation is essential for restoring degraded ecosystems, but a new survey of almost...
Human behavior changed dramatically during lockdowns in the first months of the global COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in behavioral changes of...
The climate crisis is limiting the availability of krill—small crustaceans that are vital in the marine food chain—during summer in...
A foundational element of plant metabolism is the transport of water from the ground to the leaves. In most plants,...
When bears and ground squirrels hibernate in winter, they stop eating, lasting until spring simply on the fat reserves they’ve...
Deadly coral disease is spreading as global temperatures warm, and it’s likely to become endemic to reefs the world over...