In the chaos of a wildfire, heat, wind, flames and fuel interact to produce embers that are lofted into surrounding...
According to highly cited conventional models, cooling and a major drop in sea levels about 34 million years ago should...
Catastrophically warm predictions are more plausible than previously thought, say climate scientists
What will the future climate be like? Scientists around the world are studying climate change, putting together models of the...
New Stanford-led research unveils a hidden factor that could change our understanding of how oceans mitigate climate change. The study,...
Because small changes in atmospheric and surface conditions can have large, difficult-to-predict effects on future weather, traditional weather forecasts are...
Many people are aware that large earthquakes are often followed by a sequence of aftershocks as stresses are redistributed in...
The world’s freshwater lakes are freezing over for shorter periods of time due to climate change. This shift has major...
Extreme temperatures and humidity levels (excessive rain or drought) projected for the Amazon in the context of climate change may...
A collaborative research team involving Texas A&M University geologist Dr. Franco Marcantonio has examined the source of lead contamination in...
The personal care products we use on a daily basis significantly affect indoor air quality, according to new research by...
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals, known commonly as PFAS, could take over 40 years to flush out of contaminated groundwater in...
Researchers from the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford have shown that weathering of rocks in the...