A new PeerJ study has revealed that sloths, the famously slow-moving creatures of Central and South America, may face existential...
A new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution lifts the veil on what happens when octopuses and fish hunt...
A study appearing in Behavioral Ecology shows that in male wall lizards, certain behaviors have a greater influence on the...
Mosquitoes tread a thinning line in warming climates, where aging accelerates and infections intensify. New research shows that warming and...
Endangered Hawaiian monk seals and other marine life have benefitted from 25 years of large-scale marine debris removal in the...
RIKEN researchers have discovered how the structure of drugs for treating epilepsy allows them to interact with a key protein...
In a discovery that sheds light on the complex mechanisms of gene regulation, scientists at EPFL have uncovered a critical...
Northern Elephant seals have staged a remarkable comeback after narrowly escaping extinction by hunting, but new research reveals lasting genetic...
The forecast at the beach today is cloudy, with a chance of sharks. At least, that’s the forecast that researchers...
Research shows a threatening development for two endangered primate species in Bangladesh: Phayre’s langurs (Trachypithecus phayrei) and capped langurs (Trachypithecus...
Transport proteins are responsible for the ongoing movement of substrates into and out of a biological cell. However, it is...
Bacteria that live in soil and help roots fix nitrogen can boost certain plants’ capacity to reproduce, according to an...