In a groundbreaking exploration of cell surface biology, Ryan Flynn has uncovered a surprising role for RNA outside the confines...
The ability to repair tissue following injuries is essential for the survival of all animals. Following wounding, the skin is...
A new study demonstrates the first cost-effective method for producing cultivated meat. The study shows that continuous manufacturing addresses the...
Trees stripped by invasive caterpillars muster defenses that can harm native insects, research shows
An invasive insect with an insatiable appetite can cause serious problems for a favorite native moth that likes the same...
Scientists have found a new way to predict how proteins change their shape when they function, which is important for...
Scientists at Arkansas Tech University and University of Arkansas have produced a high-quality genome assembly for a scorpion. The genome...
The sea anemone Nematostella vectensis is potentially immortal. Using molecular genetic methods, developmental biologists led by Ulrich Technau from the...
With a new understanding of past life on the planet through fossils, a Mississippi State biological sciences faculty member is...
A University of Arizona study has uncovered a surprising relationship between an animal’s body temperature and its likelihood of evolving...
Baby sea turtles respond even more to fluctuating precipitation than to changes in air temperature during their development in the...
In recent years, public health measures, surveillance, and vaccination have helped bring about significant progress in reducing the impact of...
A recent study by University of Florida researchers provides insight into how beer yeast might behave when fermented in outer...