Over thousands of years, cavefish evolved and lost their vision, earning the moniker “the blind cavefish,” but some cavefish also...
Corn, a staple food crop consumed by billions of people and animals worldwide, is frequently contaminated by the fungal toxin...
A diverse group of lizards known as the social skinks is helping scientists answer questions about some of the fundamental...
Migration is an adaptive phenomenon, typically triggered by a change of season, that is vital to ecosystem health. Animals may...
A new technique developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) will make it much easier for researchers to discover...
Synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to strengthen or weaken over time in response to changes in their activity, is...
For a long time, scientists assumed that jellyfish were a dead-end food source for predatory fish. However, a team from...
Throughout the animal kingdom, several species have the ability to regenerate body parts after cuts or damage. Lizards can regrow...
Scientists from Macquarie University working with Bunuba Indigenous rangers and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) in Western...
Form follows function, and this is especially true for life’s building blocks—proteins. The folds and shape of molecular proteins reveal...
Sea scorpions, ancient predators that patrolled Earth’s marine and freshwater habitats hundreds of millions of years ago, are the focus...
Human proteins undergo a variety of chemical modifications following their synthesis. These modifications regulate their structure, function, and stability. Researchers...