Coelacanths are deep-sea fish that live off the coasts of southern Africa and Indonesia and can reach up to two...
New research co-led by Cornell University examines thousands of years of Arctic sled dog ancestry and reveals when and how...
When we think about bacteria, we may imagine single cells swimming in solution. However, similarly to humans, bacterial cells often...
A research group has developed an innovative method for the biofortification of leaves and other green plant tissues, increasing their...
Scientists at Kyoto University’s Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS) have uncovered new details about how cells manage the distribution...
Researchers from the UAB have observed that the rise in temperatures and episodes of heat waves in the past two...
Researchers at University of California San Diego have published new guidelines that could help scientists significantly improve their results when...
Flowers use adjustable ‘paint by numbers’ petal designs to attract pollinators, researchers discover
Flowers like hibiscus use an invisible blueprint established very early in petal formation that dictates the size of their bullseyes—a...
Though a founding concept of ecology suggests that the physical environment determines where organisms can survive, modern scientists have suspected...
A hawk-eyed photographer has thrilled scientists by snapping a threatened bird of prey in Papua New Guinea, more than five...
Purdue University plant scientists have identified a protein that plays a previously unknown role in controlling cell differentiation and determining...
Sea otters are famed for their luscious pelts, but the fur almost led to their extinction. By 1938, only a...