Virgin Galactic unveils sleek interior of SpaceShipTwo spaceliner (photos, video)

We now know what Virgin Galactic’s suborbital spaceliner looks like, inside and out.

The company, part of billionaire Richard Branson’s Virgin Group, today (July 28) revealed the cabin interior of the six-passenger SpaceShipTwo, which is designed to carry people and payloads to suborbital space and back.

“When we created Virgin Galactic, we started with what we believed would be an optimal customer experience and then built the spaceship around it,” Branson said in a statement today

“We will continue with that ethos as we expand our fleet, build our operations and underpin Virgin Galactic’s position as the spaceline for Earth,” he said. “This cabin has been designed specifically to allow thousands of people like you and me to achieve the dream of spaceflight safely — and that is incredibly exciting.”

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Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo interior features six sleek passenger seats, a wealth of windows and room to float about the cabin. (Image Virgin Galactic)

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Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo interior features six sleek passenger seats, a wealth of windows and room to float about the cabin.

Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo interior features six sleek passenger seats, a wealth of windows and room to float about the cabin. (Image Virgin Galactic)

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Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo interior features six sleek passenger seats, a wealth of windows and room to float about the cabin.

Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo interior features six sleek passenger seats, a wealth of windows and room to float about the cabin. (Image Virgin Galactic)

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Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo interior features six sleek passenger seats, a wealth of windows and room to float about the cabin.

Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo interior features six sleek passenger seats, a wealth of windows and room to float about the cabin. (Image Virgin Galactic)

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This view of the SpaceShpTwo cabin shows a configuration for science payloads, which take the place of some seats.

This view of the SpaceShpTwo cabin shows a configuration for science payloads, which take the place of some seats. (Image Virgin Galactic)

The interior, which Virgin Galactic devised in collaboration…

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